Trademark (Good/Products)

Trademark ( Services )

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Trademark Class 17

The class 17 of the Nice (France) classification is often referred to as the trademark class 17, in connection with the international registration of the trademarks related with the goods and products kept in this class 17. This carefully prepared webpage contains exclusive and immensely useful information regarding this class 17 of trademarks, and our fast and flawless legal services for the domestic and international registrations of all trademarks pertaining to this class 17 in countries worldwide. Here, it may just be mentioned that the Nice classification of goods and services based on the Nice Agreement of 1957, is administered and regularly updated by WIPO, and is actually the classification of goods and services generated in various economic sectors.

Quick Enquiry

All trademarks related with the businesses of the goods and objects classified under the class 17 of nice classification are handled adroitly by our trademark lawyers of high caliber and international renown. Not only this, our well-resourced and one of the fast booming IPR law firms of India (located in Delhi) also offers services for Indian and international registrations of trademarks and service-marks relating to all 45 classes of nice classification at quite reasonable service charges. So far, almost all giant international bodies related with trademarks and other intellectual properties have been served by our erudite and innovative lawyers, including the TRIPS Agreement, Madrid Protocol, Berne or Paris Convention, and the European Union Trade Mark (EUTM).

Class 17 Rubber & Plastic Goods and Products

Rather extensive is the range of class 17 rubber & plastic goods and products to encompass the following various goods, substances, and objects:

To secure perfect and prompt registration of any newly invented trademark in India or abroad under the class 17 trademarks, readers may call over: +91-8800-100-281; or throw a mail at: .