Trademark Registration India

SAARC Countries Trademark

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Trademark Registration in Dehradun Uttarakhand

Our trademark registration services in Dehradun have been rather popular and famous, along with our expert and reasonably-charged legal services for other categories of intellectual property for around a decade. As far as only trademarks and service-marks are concerned, all other tasks and processes related with these, are also performed adroitly by our trademark lawyers of international renown. This webpage describes only the services for trademark registration in dehradun uttarakhand, to help the interested/concerned entrepreneurs and companies located all across this immensely beautiful and booming capital city of Uttarakhand.

Quick Enquiry

Some of the main reasons creditable for making our fast and finest IPR services very popular in Dehradun are the following ---- its impressive nearness (around 235 Km) to Delhi, where the head office of our internationally famous IPR law firm is well-established; its thriving sectors of nature & sports tourism, publishing services, education & research, and diverse industries, for last two decades; its recent industrial, commercial, and economic boom boosted by establishment of many STPIs, SEZs, and retail malls; our flawless, fully responsible, and generously-charged legal services of international standards; and close proximity of Dehradun to many hugely popular tourist destinations of naturally magnificent Uttarakhand.

How to File and Register a Trademark in Dehradun as per New TM Rules 2017?

The task of trademark or brand name registration related with an entity located anywhere in Dehradun, is performed with exclusive support and regulation of the zonal office of trademark registry situated in New Delhi. Today, this task is to be carried out as per the new Indian Trade Marks Rules of 2017, along with the provisions and regulations present in the extant Indian Trade Marks Act of 1999 (covering all amendments in this till date). For trademark/service-mark or logo registration, the concerned company of Dehradun is required to get completed the following main processes or activities:

Brand Name and Logo Registration for your Company/Products/Goods/ and Services in Dehradun

Any entrepreneur or company situated in Dehradun, and engaged in the businesses/services of its any economic field, may readily avail our ace and fast service for trademark registration, for doing business or providing service at the regional level or the national level in India. The economic fields of Dehradun covered by our trademark registration services are the following --- travels & tourism, publishing, education & teaching, retail, information technology & ITES, scientific & industrial research, hospitality, manufacturing, fashion, and many fast-emerging economic fields of fast-progressing Dehradun.

The international registrations of their brands may also be swiftly obtained with support of our adept trademark lawyers, under any or more of the following --- the TRIPS Agreement of WTO, Berne or Paris Convention, European Union Trade Marks (EU TM), or the Madrid Protocol of WIPO. Again, besides the trademark registration, other tasks and processes related with this segment of intellectual property, performed by our erudite and mellowed trademark lawyers are the following

How to Contact for Trademark Registration in Dehradun Uttrakhand ?

Interested people or companies located in Dehradun or any other city of Uttarakhand, may briskly receive our ace and cheap trademark registration services, just through phoning up over: +91-8800-100-281(Call/WhatsApp); expressing their queries or requests at: .