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Why is Intellectual Property Rights as a Protected Investment?

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Intellectual Property Rights as a Protected Investment

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is not only playing a significant role in world economic activity and development but also transforming an important part of the modern economy, which is investment. Today in the era of globalization, the trend of investment is shifting from physical assets to intellectual property. Significantly, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) has given a new dimension to intellectual property, thereby economically and politically it is more important and powerful than before. According to the estimation, the value of the intellectual property is over 80% of the company's total value, which not only makes it lucrative but also a protected investment target. The post aims to highlight the significance of intellectual property right in aspects of protected investment.

Intellectual Property Ensures the Optimum Value:

Unlike, maximum class of assets, intellectual property has no limit on its value. The price of intellectual property increases at a steady rate and reaches to the optimum stage, which attracts investors. If a company owns machinery, its value is fixed andits price is likely to depreciate in the future. But intellectual properties like patents, copyrights, trademarks contribute to the value of a company and ensures its optimum value. Many aspects of a brand's value can be protected and captured through design registration and patents have significant intrinsic value that not depends on the performance and perception of the company.

There are Different Ways of Leveraging from Intellectual Property:

Investors can take advantage of intellectual property in numerous ways like the company's licensing and technology. Licensing is not only for big brands even it is a profitable business model for startups. Therefore, people who have substantial experience in the field of investment, they can leverage intellectual property in numerous ways. There is always a great chance of a lucrative return in different ways when money is invested in creating and protecting intellectual property.

Companies That Protect Intellectual Property are More Credible:

A company that does not protect intellectual property like (brand, building, innovations) lost credibility in the market. Whereas, protecting intellectual property companies not only ensure their credibility but also protecting their business partners' interest and attracts a higher number of investors.

Intellectual Property Rights Enhances Marketing and Sales:

Intellectual properties work as a marketing tool enhances the performance and the value of the business. A renowned brand with a trademark not only gets a competitive edge over its rivalries but also ensures credibility in a matter of innovativeness. The tagline or punchline indicates the appearance of products and its details; and also makes it stands out from the mass. Such taglines/ punchlines fascinate customers as well as investors.

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