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Trademark Registration Services

Our trademark registration services have been hugely popular and admired highly in every corner of India, and also in many countries worldwide, for around a decade. The most impressive features of these services are perfectness, efficiency, reasonable economy of service charges, full accountability, full-coverage of all 45 classes, and high reliability in conformance to the international renown of ours one of the most reputed and leading IPR law firms of India. This particular webpage gives very informative, beneficial, and exclusive information about these trademark registration services delivered in entire India and under all major international treaties and legislations associated with trademarks and service marks.

Apart from all five regional offices of the trademark registry in India, the international treaties served by these services of our trademark lawyers of high caliber and ingenuity are the TRIPS Agreement of WTO, Madrid Protocol of WIPO, the Berne or Paris Convention, and the European Union Trade Mark (EUTM). Here, it may also be mentioned that the Nice classification forms as the basis of registration of trademarks and service marks in India and abroad for doing commerce or service in various sectors of occupation and economy. Exclusive information over how to register a trademark and file your trademark application is provided separately under the lower sub-heading for convenience to the visitors.

How to Register a Trademark and File your Trademark Application

In India, the trademark application filing is made in the Form TM-1 with the regional trademark registry office under the jurisdiction of which the location/business of the applicant person or company falls. These offices of trademark registry are well-established in Mumbai (Head Office), Kolkata, Delhi, Chennai, and Ahmedabad. The application is to be associated with the prescribed fees and desired documents. Today, efficient e-filing facilities are also available.

In addition to the prescribed form and fees, other things to be submitted while filing the application for trademark registration in India, are the following:
  • A soft copy of the newly created trademark or service mark in JPEG format
  • Complete Name and Address of the Applicant
  • A lapidary description about the proposed trademark/service mark
  • The Class or Classes under which the registration of the filed trademark is sought
  • Some necessary trade-related details of the applicant company
  • The Class and Date of the very first usage of the proposed trademark or service mark
  • And, other required information by the trademark examiner or registrar

Well-experienced, up-to-date, and punctilious trademark lawyers of our Delhi-based IPR law firm provide all necessary services during the entire procedure of trademark registration in India or abroad. These services cover expert guidance for trademark creation, trademark search for verification of indubitable distinctiveness of the created trademark, trademark application filing, meeting the requirements and suggestions of the trademark examiner/registrar, handling the case of possible trademark opposition, and then extending prosecution for the best and promptest registration.

To acquire our legal services for trademark registrations or any other services related with maintenance and protection of trademarks, people or companies active in various economic sectors in India or abroad may just contact over: +91-8800100-281 ; or send a descriptive mail to: