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Trademark Rules 2017
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Trademark Registration in Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh

Booming Hyderabad, a major contributor to the national GDP, has been reaping lavish benefits of our world-class IPR services for nearly a decade, to add wings to its economic growth in various fields. So far, our ace and swift service for trademark registration in hyderabad alone, has benefited numerous of its people and entities.

The service for trademark registration is the most popular and significant among our full range of legal services for trademarks and service-marks. All other major and most prominent categories of intellectual property are served equally well by our internationally reputed IPR law firm of Delhi, with complete coverage of legal services and advisory. Our other services related with trademarks and service-marks pertaining to all 45 classes of the Nice classification, are the following ---- tm renewal services, prosecution services for various objectives, trademark opposition services, trademark infringement litigations, watch and monitoring services for well-rounded trademark protection, and licensing and acquisition of registered trademarks and service-marks.

Trademark Registration in Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh

How to Register a Trademark in Hyderabad as per New TM Rules 2017?

To avail our service of trademark application filing in hyderabad, an entrepreneur or entities located in this fast-paced city, needs to do the following tasks as per the new trademark rules 2017:

  • Designing a new and completely different trademark or service-mark, and choosing the appropriate trademark class for its registration.
  • Checking dispute-free uniqueness of the newly-designed mark through trademark search across Indian trademark databases. Available is free trademark search with our brilliant and vibrant trademark lawyers.
  • Performing trademark application filing in new Form TM-A with the zonal trademark registry located in Chennai.
  • In case of seeking brisk registration of the mark, the applicant may now file a request for expedited processing of the application through Form TM-M.
  • Other necessary asks may be dealing with trademark examiner/registrar for securing registrability, quenching any trademark opposition, and offering prosecution for the cherished registration.

Brand Name and Logo Registration for your Company, Products/Goods and Services in Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh

People and economic entities located in this fourth most populous and one of the fastest prospering metropolitan cities of India, may avail our trademark registration services for doing striking and profitable business/service in its various economic fields mentioned below. Today, for expert and efficient brand name and logo registration for your company, products/goods and services, our hugely famous and highly reliable IPR law firm is one of the top law firms of India.

The following economic fields of Hyderabad are served by our trademark registration service ---- information technology and ITES; financial services; pearls and diamonds; education and scientific research; drugs and pharmaceuticals; biotechnology; insurance; retail; tourism and hospitality; real estate; literature and culture; film and entertainment; art and handicrafts; and many other fields of the services and manufacturing sectors.

To avail our impeccable service for trademark registration, people/entities located in Hyderabad may swiftly call at: +91-8800-100-281; or send their queries or requests to: .