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Trademark Registration in Varanasi and Allahabad

Varanasi and Allahabad, these both famous cities of Uttar Pradesh have been availing our swift and innovative trademark services for desired development and growth in their various economic fields related with commerce and industry, for around a decade. Our lavish service for trademark registration in varanasi and allahabad has been the most popular among these services.

Our IPR law firm of Delhi has been an internationally commended law firm of India by virtue of its impeccable and innovative legal services related with all major and most significant objects of intellectual property. Full-range of expert legal services is obtainable from us for every major category of intellectual property. These IPR services extended by our well-seasoned and innovative intellectual property lawyers serve people and entities for doing businesses and services at Indian and international levels. As far as trademarks and service marks are concerned, all 45 classes of Nice classification related with these are comprehensively covered by our mellow and up-to-date trademark lawyers. This webpage informs only about our fast and finest services for registration of trademarks and services marks for serving people and industries located in Varanasi and Allahabad, and engaged in the economic fields mentioned below.

Trademark Registration in Varanasi and Allahabad

How to Register a Trademark in Varanasi and Allahabad as per New TM Rules 2017?

To get a new trademark/service-mark registered in India, any applicant located in Varanasi or Allahabad is required to carry out the following tasks/processes:

  • Creation of a trademark/service-mark unique in India for doing business/services in the interested economic field. Allotting appropriate trademark class or classes to the same for the purpose of registration.
  • The Indubitable uniqueness of the newly-created trademark/service-mark is verified through trademark search across Indian trademark databases. Our expert and vibrant trademark lawyers provide the service of the free trademark search to ease clients and expedite the filing process.
  • After ensuring uniqueness of the mark, then comes the task of trademark application filing, preferably online through the new Form TM-A, and with the trademark registry office of New Delhi.
  • Applicants needing fast-track registration of their trademarks/service-marks, now may file a request for expedited processing of the registration application up to the stage of registration, through the Form TM-M.
  • Other tasks involved in the procedure of registration are persuading and prosecution for registration and tacking any likely case of trademark opposition.

Brand Name and Logo Registration for your Company, Products/Goods and Services in Varanasi and Allahabad

Located conveniently in Delhi, our prestigious and adequately experienced IPR law firm is undoubtedly one of the best and most reliable firm for fast and flawless brand name and logo registration in varanasi and allahabad, for doing progressive businesses or services in the economic fields stipulated below.

Regarded as being the spiritual capital of India, Varanasi has now rich and wide scope for businesses/services in the following economic fields besides tourism and silk weaving --- crafts and carpets, perfumes, printing and publishing, electrical machinery, gold jewelry, musical instruments, sculpture, and many other fast-emerging economic fields. On the other hand, also hugely famous in connection with religious tourism and diverse agricultural goods and products, fast-growing Allahabad has immense scope also in the fields of real estate & construction, banking and financial services, education and research institutions, hospitality and entertainment, glass and wire-based industry, retail, and many other manufacturing and service fields.

To register a new trademark/service-mark or avail our other legal services for trademarks, entrepreneurs and companies of Varanasi and Allahabad, may readily call over: +91-8800-100-281; or send their queries or requests to: .