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Copyright Registration India

Copyright is to frame your creative and innovative work while protecting the same from being getting copy, maltreat or misuse from any of the third party. Copyright is one of the powerful tools that shield the creative artistic work at the domestic and international level. There are specific themes which are registered under the copyright act including books, computer software, movie, design, graphic, and architecture work, painting work, literacy, musical art and many more.

Copyright registration is being carried under the section 14 of the Copyright Act 1957 while certifying the work under the same. This act of copyright grants the set of rights and powers to the owner of the copyright. These rights comprised of right of adaptation, rights of translation; rights to communication and rights of publication. Here, under the copyright services; the owner can decide how, when and where to use his or her invention whether to publish in media or to take open to public or not or whether to translate in other languages or not. Under copyright; owner can enjoy the fully rights and powers in respect of unique innovative artistic work.

Copyright Registration Services

Under copyright registration services; we cover each and every aspect of searching the copyright, filing an application, processing for copyright protection and prosecution. We deal in every service in copyright registration process in India where our well skilled and highly qualified attorneys and IPR solicitors will make you with every needs of copyright registration office in India. We as a legal enterprise; provides complete services in copyright registration along with other business law segment and other IPR matters that not only just to comply with legal acts but also make your company compatible enough in order to come over with every dynamic needs of the society. Thus, contact us while availing from the best services in business law in India.