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Patent Registration India

For patent registration; first need to look up from past registry of patent office in order to check the originality ad novelty of the proposed patent. Under this we assure our clients that their patent is unique and will proceed for patent filing application. And if in case the patent is being copied then we too notify our clients to have something unique in order to apply for patent registration and as even if minor part gets copied then even also patent application would be rejected. Thus; it is necessary for the one to have complete patent search and look up to past registry of patent office before commencing with registration in India.

Under the same services we offer our clients with the complete segment of patent drafting and patent drawing where we need to represent our client's invention and creative art to the respective govern authority. Here, we put every expert effort while using flow charts and detail descriptions in order to describe the creation of an innovative product.

Patent Registration Services

Under patent registration services; we offer our clients with complete guidance and assistance on the part of how to search for past registry with patent registration office in India, how to file an application, what are the legal requisites while processing with patent registration services; what are the rules and guidelines for the same; how much fees and duration it will take for patent registration in India and many more things are easily be got resolved with trademarksindia.

Here, we comprised of long team of experienced solicitors and skilled attorneys that make you with every possible needs of patent services in India. Not only for just patent registration; but also for other IPR aspects including trademark, copyright, company incorporation, logo, brand and other industrial design aspects we offer complete services while resolving any of the corporate legal issues.