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Trademark Rules 2017
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Trademark Registration in Gurgaon (Gurugram) Haryana

Situated at just around 30 Km southwest of New Delhi, the Millennium City Gurgaon has constantly been availing swift and expert IPR services of our Delhi-based law firm for nearly a decade, to equip and propel its industrial and commercial growth. In connection with trademark registration in gurgaon, its numerous companies have been benefited so far.

Internationally famous for its top-notch and innovative IPR services, our one of the hugely popular and top IPR law firms of India has been offering impeccable and cutting-edge legal services for doing businesses and services at Indian and International levels. The complete range of legal services is provided by us for each major and significant category of intellectual property, to Indian and foreign clients, especially those who are located or interested in doing business/service in India.

Trademark Registration in Gurgaon

As far as our legal services for trademarks and service-marks are concerned, these services cover the following tasks or processes ---- expert and innovative guidance for creation of a unique and scintillating trademark/service-mark, filing application for registration of the same, trademark prosecution for registration and other purposes, trademark opposition, tm renewal services, trademark infringement litigation, watch and monitoring for all-round trademark protection, and licensing and acquisition of trademarks. Trademarks and service-marks relating to all 45 classes of the Nice classification are covered by our trademark services in India and abroad. This webpage contains very useful information about our service for trademark registration in gurgaon (gurugram) haryana, to serve people and companies located in this affluent and fast-thriving industrial and financial center of Haryana.

How to Register a Trademark in Gurgaon (Gurugram) Haryana as per New TM Rules 2017?

To register any new trademark/service-mark in India as per the new trademark rules 2017, an applicant located in Gurgaon is required to complete the following tasks:

  • Inventing a new trademark or service-mark for doing business/service in the interested economic field, and then, deciding appropriate service-mark or trademark class to the mark for registration thereunder.
  • Ascertaining dispute-free distinctiveness of the mark through trademark search nationwide. Our well-informed and expert trademark lawyers offer free trademark search across Indian trademark databases to help its clients.
  • Performing the trademark application filing through the new Form TM-A with the zonal trademark registry office of new Delhi.
  • Request for fast-track processing of the filed application can now also be made up to the registration stage through the Form TM-M, in the urgency of a prompt registration requirement.
  • Getting done ancillary tasks like satisfying the registrar for registrability, trademark prosecution for registration, appeasing cases of likely trademark opposition, etc.

Brand Name and Logo Registration for your Company, Products/Goods and Services in Gurgaon (Gurugram) Haryana

Indian and foreign entrepreneurs and entities located in this world-famous outsourcing hub of India may avail our expert and expeditious trademark registration services for development and growth in its all economic fields. The most progressive and lucrative economic fields of Gurgaon at present are the following --- business process outsourcing, information technology and ITES, financial services, retail, real estate, automobiles, hospitality, entertainment, etc. Thus, for fastest and finest brand name and logo registration for your company, products/goods and services, our Delhi-based and well-resourced IPR law firm is obviously one of the best.

Easy and fast accessibility to our top-notch trademark services may be secured just through calling over: +91-8800-100-281; or sending your relevant queries or problems at: