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Trademark Registration in Ghaziabad and Sahibabad

These fast growing and progressing cities of NCR have been availing our trademark services for nearly a decade to add wings to their businesses and services at the Indian and International levels. This webpage offers exclusive information about our expert and efficient services for trademark registration in ghaziabad and sahibabad to help people and entities located within.

Well-based in Delhi, our internationally prominent IPR law firm offers up-to-date and innovative legal services for all major categories of intellectual property to Indian and global people and entities, strictly as per the concerned Indian and international laws and treaties related with various IPR. Again, as far as our trademark registration services in these two industrially and commercially fast-developing cities of Uttar Pradesh are concerned, almost all their economic fields have been served by our veteran and innovative trademark lawyers, including the fields mentioned in the last section on this webpage.

Impeccable legal services forming the full gamut, are provided by our erudite and well-seasoned intellectual property lawyers for each major category of intellectual property. For trademarks and service-marks, this full-range of legal services covers tm renewal services, vigilant watch and monitoring services for total trademark protection, trademark opposition services, trademark prosecution services for various objectives, and trademark infringement litigation, besides the trademark registration services.

Trademark Registration in Ghaziabad/Sahibabad

How to Register a Trademark in Ghaziabad and Sahibabad as per New TM Rules 2017?

To get one's newly-created trademark/service-mark registered in India as per the new trademark rules 2017, an entrepreneur/entity located in Ghaziabad or Sahibabad is concerned with the following tasks/processes:

  • Creation of a new trademark/service-mark which can distinguish your product/service, and then assigning perfect trademark class(es) to the mark.
  • Fortifying uniqueness of the trademark/service-mark through nationwide trademark search. Available is free trademark search from our vibrant trademark lawyers.
  • Online trademark application filing (in Form TM-A) with the trademark registry office of New Delhi.
  • A request may also be filed through Form TM-M for expedited processing of your trademark registration.
  • Performing tasks like satisfying the examiner/registrar regarding registrability of the proposed trademark/service-mark, quenching any opposition, and trademark prosecution for perfect and brisk registration.

Brand Name and Logo Registration for your Company, Products/Goods and Services in Ghaziabad and Sahibabad

Today, for swift and superb brand name and logo registration for your company, products/goods and services in Ghaziabad and Sahibabad, and other cities of NCR, our law firm is one of the best and leading ones. Our trademark lawyers can help people and entities of these cities in creating indubitably unique and scintillating trademarks and service-marks to make their respective business/service rather striking and profitable.

At present, the following economic fields of Ghaziabad and Sahibabad are most suitable for doing progressive and lucrative businesses and services in ---- engineering equipments and machine tools, chemicals, papers and plastics, computer hardware and software, real estate and construction, transportation, education and teaching, light to heavy machineries, and many other fast emerging economic fields. Our trademark registration services are available for all 45 classes of the Nice classification.

To harness our fast and flawless services for trademark registration in India or abroad, people and companies of Ghaziabad and Sahibabad may readily call over: +91-8800-100-281; or dart their related queries or requests at: