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Trademark Registration in Ludhiana Punjab

Ludhiana, one of the major and fast galloping industrial centers of India, has been availing our expert and expeditious legal services for trademarks and service-marks for nearly a decade, to promote and propel its affluent businesses and commerce. This webpage informs only our trademark registration in ludhiana for boosting businesses in all its economic fields mentioned below.

Our IPR law firm is well-based in Delhi and has been famous internationally for delivering efficient and highly innovative legal services related with all major categories of intellectual property, at Indian and international levels. As far as our legal services for trademarks and service-marks are concerned, the whole gamut of these are extended adroitly by our well-informed and veteran trademark lawyers, right from the registration and maintenance to well-rounded protection in India or abroad. All 45 classes of trademarks and service-marks are covered.

Trademark Registration in Ludhiana

How to Register a Trademark in Ludhiana as per New TM Rules 2017?

To register any new trademark/service-mark as per the new Indian Trade Marks Rules of 2017, for doing business/services in Ludhiana and other parts of India, an applicant resident in Ludhiana has to get the following tasks done:

  • Creation of a new and unique trademark/service-mark, and allotting appropriate trademark class or classes to the same, as per the latest edition of the Nice classification.
  • Verifying indisputable distinctiveness of the trademark/service-mark through trademark search across Indian trademark databases. Vibrant and discerning trademark lawyers of our prestigious IPR law firm conduct free trademark search for its clients.
  • Performing perfect trademark application filing online, with the trademark registry office of New Delhi.
  • In case of an urgent requirement for registration, the applicant now may request for the expedited processing of the filed application for registration through Form TM-M.
  • Getting tasks like convincing registrability of the filed mark, quenching any trademark opposition, and providing expert trademark prosecution for registration, etc.

Brand Name and Logo Registration for your Company, Products/Goods and Services in Ludhiana Punjab

Internationally famous for its many industrial goods and products, Ludhiana is also cited as India's Manchester, and it is still thriving fast in many new economic fields along with further growth in the established fields. The bulk of its industries come under the categories of the small-scale and medium-scale industries. Our punctilious and prestigious IPR law firm covers its all economic fields for the brand name and logo registration in ludhiana punjab, to support its tremendous economic progress and growth.

Today, entrepreneurs and industries belonging to this most populous industrial city of Punjab, may avail our legal services for trademarks and other objects of intellectual property for the following economic fields ---- bicycles, two-wheeler parts and tractor parts, sewing machines, apparels and garments, machine parts, industrial equipments, household appliances, information technology, and many other fast progressing economic fields.

Interested people/industries of Ludhiana may readily ring over: +91-8800-100-281; or submit their queries or problems at: for harnessing finest and fast legal services for trademarks or other IP.