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Trademark Rules 2017
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Trademark Registration in Chennai Tamilnadu

Affluent and fast thriving Chennai, one of the largest industrial and educational hubs in South India, has been one of the major and most significant recipients of our IPR services for around a decade. Our service for 'trademark registration in chennai' alone, has helped numerous of its people and entities so far in commercial growth.

Our IPR law firm is well-based in Delhi, and has been extending first-class and innovative IPR services to Indian and foreign clients for around a decade. Today, our IPR services are rather famous in Chennai, which is at present, one of the fastest growing cities in the world with rapid and wide strides in various economic fields mentioned in the last section. All broad and most prominent categories of intellectual property are well-served by our erudite and veteran lawyers, with full-range of legal services for each category. Apart from trademark registration, our full-range of legal services for trademarks and service-marks covers the following ---- tm renewal services, trademark opposition services, trademark prosecution services to meet diverse requirements, trademark infringement litigations, watch and monitoring services for trademark protection, and sale and purchase of registered trademarks and service-marks.

Trademark Registration in Chennai Tamilnadu

How to Register a Trademark in Chennai as per New TM Rules 2017?

To register a trademark/service-mark as per the new trademark rules 2017 by an applicant located in Chennai, the following tasks are required to be done:

  • Conceptualization and designing of a new and entirely different trademark/service-mark, and choosing the perfect service-mark or trademark class for registration thereunder of the mark.
  • Verification of undebatable uniqueness of the newly-created mark, through trademark search across Indian trademark databases. Available is free trademark search from our expert and generous trademark lawyers.
  • Procedural trademark application filing in Chennai (through new Form TM-A) with the regional trademark registry office situated at G.S.T. Road, Guindy.
  • As per a new provision of the trademark rules 2017, for seeking brisk registration an applicant may now file a request for fast-track processing of the application for registration through the Form TM-M.
  • Other required tasks could be fortifying registrability of the filed mark, tackling any trademark opposition, and offering necessary prosecution for flawless and best possible registration of the mark.

Brand Name and Logo Registration for your Company, Products, Goods and Services in Chennai Tamil Nadu

Ambitious and innovative entrepreneurs, industries, and firms located in this one of the most renowned cities of the south India in respect of culture and tradition, industries, education & research, and tourism especially medical tourism, are well-facilitated by our law firm to avail top-notch and swift IPR services, essentially including the service for trademark registration in chennai tamilnadu, for doing business/service in its all economic fields. This rich and exclusive capability makes us one of the easiest and top choices for impeccable and brisk brand name and logo registration for your company, products/goods and services, for doing business/service at the national level in entire India.

Today, the most suitable economic fields of Chennai for availing our trademark registration services, are the following ---- automobiles and auto components; computer hardware & software; healthcare; financial services; education & scientific research; leather goods; IT and BPO services; films & entertainment; electronics and telecommunications; tourism and hospitality; textiles and garments; and many other fields of the manufacturing and services sectors.

To get benefited from our fast and finest trademark registration services for Chennai, innovative and interested people and entities located in this one of the fastest growing cities of India may readily call over: +91-8800-100-281; or send their germane queries or sincere request to: .