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Trademark Registration in Kanpur

For nearly a decade, our perfect and expeditious services for trademark registration in kanpur have been hugely popular amid entrepreneurs and entities engaged in various economic fields in this booming industrial and commercial hub of Uttar Pradesh. Other major categories of IPR relating to this largest city of UP are also served by our Delhi-based law firm.

Today, fast-progressing Kanpur is ranked among the top 10 industrial cities of India, and has earned international fame, owing to its various industrial goods and products, particularly leather and textile items. More information about the industries of Kanpur is provided separately in the lowest section. This webpage contains exclusive and very beneficial information regarding our trademark registration services (as per new trademark rules 2017) for people and entities located in this industrially opulent city of India.

Offering expert and updated legal services for all major categories of intellectual property, our highly prestigious and innovative IPR law firm of India, essentially provides the full-range of legal services for trademarks and service-marks for doing business/service in India and abroad. Apart from trademark registration, other services extended adroitly by our trademark lawyers are tm renewal services, trademark oppositions, watch and monitoring for trademark protection, trademark prosecutions for diverse objectives, and trademark infringement litigations.

Trademark Registration in Kanpur

How to Register a Trademark in Kanpur as per New TM Rules 2017?

To register any newly-created trademark/service-mark for doing business/service in India by an entrepreneur or entity located in Kanpur, involved are the following tasks/processes:

  • Creating a unique and striking trademark/service-mark for the concerned economic field, and assigning appropriate trademarks classes to the same, as per the latest edition of the Nice classification.
  • Verifying indisputable uniqueness of the new trademark/service mark, through searching across all Indian trademark databases. Trademark lawyers of our reputed IPR law firm conduct free trademark search to help people and entities in ensuring uniqueness of their new trademarks and service-marks.
  • Making online trademark application filing(through the Form TM-A) with the regional trademark registry office located in New Delhi.
  • Convincing the trademark examiner/registrar regarding proper and prompt registration of the filed trademark/service-mark in India as per its new Trade Marks Rules of 2017.
  • Dealing with any trademark opposition and extending requisite trademark prosecution for perfect and punctual registration.

Today in India, after promulgation of the new trademarks rules of 2017, available is making request for fast-track processing of an application for trademark registration up to the registration stage, using the Form TM-M.

Brand Name and Logo Registration for your Company, Products/Goods and Services in Kanpur

Entrepreneurs, companies, firms, and organizations engaged in various economic fields of Kanpur, may readily avail our impeccable services for registering their respective trademarks and service-marks relating to all 45 classes of the Nice classification of goods and services, for doing business/service at Indian and/or international levels. Today, for brand name and logo registration for your company, products/goods and services, our Delhi-based law firm is one of the most popular and top law firms in Kanpur and other industrial cities of India. Other legal tasks related with trademarks may also be harnessed from our trademark lawyers of international fame.

People and entities located in Kanpur may avail our services for registration of trademarks, service-marks, and logos, for doing business/service in the following well-established or fast-progressing economic fields of this glamorous industrial hub of UP --- leather goods, garment and textile items, education and teaching, engineering and technology, automobiles, fertilizers, soaps and detergents, chemicals, hospitality, tourism, and many other fast emerging economic fields of Kanpur.

People and entities located in Kanpur may readily avail our swift and superb services related with trademarks and service-marks, just through calling over: +91-8800-100-281; or sending their queries or requests to: