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Trademark Registration in Lucknow

This third most populous city of North India after Delhi and Jaipur, has been a well-served city by expert and innovative IPR services of our Delhi-based and internationally renowned law firm. As far as trademark registration in lucknow is concerned, almost all its economic fields have been served by our veteran trademark lawyers so far.

Our well-resourced and prestigious IPR law firm of Delhi offers the full gamut of legal support and advisory for all major segments of the intellectual property to Indian and global people and entities engaged in various economic sectors. This webpage contains very informative and useful pieces of information regarding our services related only with trademarks and service-marks for benefits to entrepreneurs and entities located in Lucknow.

Apart from perfect and prompt registration of trademarks and service-marks pertaining to various trademarks classes for doing business/service at national level in India, people and entities of Lucknow may also avail the following services from our well-informed and punctilious trademark lawyers ---- tm renewal services, regular trademark watch and monitoring for trademark protection, trademark opposition, trademark prosecution services for the desired objectives, and trademark infringement litigation.

Trademark Registration in Lucknow

How to Register a Trademark in Lucknow as per New TM Rules 2017?

Today, trademark services in India are provided as per the new trademark rules 2017 and the existing Trade Marks Act of 1999. To register a trademark/service-mark, an applicant located in Lucknow is required to follow the following tasks/processes:

  • Creating a new and distinctive trademark or service-mark, and assigning appropriate class or classes to the mark, as per the latest edition of the Nice classification.
  • Ensuring infringement-free uniqueness of the newly-created trademark/service-mark through nationwide trademark search. Our expert and generous trademark lawyers provide free trademark search through the Indian trademark databases to help its clients.
  • Procedural online trademark application filing(in Form TM-A) with the Trademark Registry office of New Delhi.
  • The applicant may also request for an expedited processing of the filed registration application through Form TM-M, paying the prescribed fee.
  • Dealing with tasks like convincing the trademark examiner/registrar, likely trademark opposition, and prosecution for perfect registration.

Brand Name and Logo Registration for your Company, Products/Goods and Services in Lucknow

Our mellow and innovative trademark lawyers are always ready for brand name and logo registration for your company, products/goods and services, for doing business or service in Lucknow and at the national level in entire India. Logos, trademarks, and service-marks relating to all various progressive economic fields of Lucknow are covered by their adroit services.

Today, entrepreneurs, companies, professionals, and firms of Lucknow may register their respective trademark or service-mark for engagement in the following economic fields of this capital city of Uttar Pradesh ---- aeronautics, automobiles, information technology, handicrafts, gems & jewelries, engineering & technology, chemicals, textiles, pharmaceuticals, medical & bio technology, computer software & hardware, finances, tourism, and many other emerging fields. Right from the registration, our well-seasoned trademark lawyers deliver all services related with trademarks and service-marks, including the services mentioned above.

To harness our impeccable and fast service for trademark registration in Lucknow, or any other legal services related with trademarks/service-marks or company logos, interested people/companies may readily call over: +91-8800-100-281; or send their sincere queries or requests at: