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Trademark Class 14

Distinct trademark class 14 is one of the most famous classes of Nice classification, and relates to the international registrations of those trademarks which are used in the commerce of diverse precious metals, stones, jewelries, and chronometric instruments. This class 14 of nice classification is one of the 45 broad classes of goods and services produced in various economic sectors. This globally approved international classification of goods and services is governed and updated by WIPO, and serves as the basis of categorizing trademarks and service-marks for the purposes of international as well as domestic registrations of these.

This well-drafted and generously written webpage offers very informative and constructive information about the trademarks encompassed by the class 14 of trademarks, and our brisk and best legal services for Indian and international registrations of these trademarks. The goods and products related with this class of trademarks are listed separately in the lower section for easy reference. Extensively experienced and well-versed are our erudite and innovative trademark lawyers in escorting registration of trademarks and service-marks coming under all 45 classes of nice classification, in cities all across India and nations all around the whole world. Almost all international treaties connected with trademarks have been served by them so far, including the TRIPS Agreement, Berne or Paris Convention, Madrid Protocol, and the Community Trademark (CTM) of the European Union.

Class 14 Precious Metals and Jewelries

Under the range of the class 14 precious metals and jewelries, come the following goods, materials, and instruments for the purposes of international and Indian registration of the trademarks associated with the businesses of these
  • Precious Metals and Alloys of these
  • Goods made up of precious metal or metals, or coated therewith
  • Jewelry Items including Imitation Jewelries
  • Gemstones and other costly stones
  • Statues and Figurines of Precious Metals
  • Clocks and Watches
  • Cuff Links
  • Tie Pins
  • Horological and Chronometric Instruments

Rather important and securing here is to note that the trademarks related with the following substances and objects are not registered under this class 14 trademarks in India and the majority of foreign countries ---- metals in powder and foil forms (trademark class 2); electric contacts (trademark class 9); pen nibs of gold (trademark class 16); amalgam of gold used in dentistry (trademark class 5); teapots (trademark class 21); gold and silver embroidery (trademark class 26); cigar boxes (trademark class 34); cutlery (trademark class 8), etc.

People or companies seeking prompt and perfect registration of their trademarks under class 14 in India or any desired foreign countries, may easily contact us over: +91-8800-100-281; or just place a mail at: .