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Service Mark Class 35

The service mark class 35 is the very first class of the Nice classification related with the service sector. This class 35 is primarily related with services provided in the fields of advertising, business administration, and business management. Hence, the service marks used as the source-identifiers for these services are registered under this class 35 of service marks at international levels worldwide. This webpage offers very beneficial information regarding the Indian and international registrations of all service marks belonging to class 35 of nice classification, through help of our brisk and expert legal services.

Based in Delhi, our booming and internationally famed law firm is one of the most popular and leading IPR law firms of India, which offers the full gamut of legal services for all categories of the intellectual property at Indian and international levels. The trademarks and service marks relating to various 45 classes of nice classification, have been the most served category of intellectual property by our booming IPR law firm of India. During about one decade, thousands of people and entities located in India and nations worldwide have reaped the lavish benefits of our top-notch, swift, and reasonably-charged legal services for IPR.

Class 35 Advertising and Business

In general, the following broad categories of services are covered in the class 35 advertising and business, mainly for the purpose of the international registrations of the service-marks related with these services:
  • Advertising, Publicity, and Promotional Services
  • Advertising, Marketing and Promotional Consultancy
  • Services for Business Administration and Management
  • Human Resources Management and Recruitment Services
  • Commercial Trading and Consumer Information Services
  • Provision of Advertising Space, Time, and Media
  • Business Analysis, Research and Information Services
  • Public Relations Services
  • Accountancy, Book Keeping, and Auditing
  • Market Survey and Research Services
  • Collection and Systematization of Business Data
  • Business Assistance, Management and Administrative Services
  • All different Clerical Services
  • Retail and Wholesale Services
  • Auctioneering Services
  • Trade Show and Exhibition Services
  • Distribution of Advertising, Marketing and Promotional Materials
  • Administrative Data Processing Services
  • Rental of Office Machines and Vending Machines
  • Product Demonstrations and Product Display Services

For registrations of class 35 service-marks in India, relevant are the five regional offices of trademark registry, which act in strict accordance with Trade Marks Act of 1999 and the Trade Marks Rules of 2002. On the other hand, the international registrations of these service-marks are made under one or more of the following --- TRIPS Agreement, Madrid Protocol, Paris Convention, and the European Union Trade Marks (EUTM).

To avail fast, expert, and cheap services for Indian and international registrations of all class 35 service-marks, please call over: +91-8800-100-281; or mail relevant queries or problems to: .