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Trademark or Service Mark Class 44

The service mark class 44 is well-known to the whole world for being connected with all those service marks which are used in the fields of agricultural and forestry services, medical and veterinary services, and hygiene and beauty services. None other than the class 44 of nice classification, is this class of service marks. The current edition of the Nice classification serves as the basic reference for assigning classes to the trademarks and service marks being registered at international levels worldwide. This international classification of goods and services is administered and updated regularly by WIPO.

This generous and very informative webpage offers precious information about the registrations of all class 44 service marks in entire India and also in countries worldwide, with masterly support of our mellowed and highly innovative trademark lawyers of international renown. The law firm of ours which is well-established in Delhi, is one of the fast progressing and highly credible IPR law firms of India, for the full coverage of legal services related with all various items of intellectual property. Naturally, all 45 classes of nice classification are served by them to help Indian and global people and occupational entities.

Class 44 Agricultural, Medical and Beauty Services

The following broad diversity of services is encompassed by the class 44 agricultural, medical and beauty services of the Nice classification:
  • Services related with Agriculture, Horticulture, Aquaculture, and Forestry
  • Gardening and Landscaping Services
  • Medical Services and Healthcare Services
  • Veterinary Services
  • Pharmaceutical Services
  • Dentists' and Opticians' Services
  • Services for Mental Health
  • Services for Animal Breeding and Healthcare
  • Services for Hygiene and Beauty of Human Beings
  • Animal and Pet Grooming Services
  • Body Art and Tattooing
  • Turkish Baths

At this juncture, readers of this web-article are kindly informed that the following services are not covered by the class 44 services ---- services for body fitness and physical health (service mark class 41), services for timber felling and processing (service mark class 40), medical research and scientific services (service mark class 42), services for installation and repair of irrigation systems (service mark class 37), ambulance transport services (service mark class 39), services for training to animals (service mark class 41), boarding services for animals (service mark class 43), and animal slaughtering services (service mark class 40).

The Indian registrations under the class 44 of service marks are done with the five trademark registry offices of the country; while the international registrations of these are made under anyone or more of the following international legislations ---- TRIPS Agreement of WTO, Paris Convention, European Union Trade Marks (EUTM), and the Madrid Protocol of WIPO.

Creators of new service marks pertaining to class 44 of Nice classification, may call over: +91-8800-100-281; or cast relevant queries or mails at:; for getting their respective service mark registered briskly in India or abroad.