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What is Trademark Prosecution?

Trademark prosecution is a series of interactions performed by a trademark lawyer with the officials of a trademarks office for the purpose of getting the specified task done. This trademark prosecution may be made before or after the registration of a trademark/service-mark; and at the domestic or international level. Hence, this is an inevitable process concerned with trademarks.

This paragraph elucidates on 'what is trademark prosecution?', giving clarifying examples. Depending upon the objective, the trademark prosecution may be a prosecution for trademark registration, a prosecution for seeking some changes/refinements in one's previously registered trademark/service-mark, or a prosecution for protection or restoration of a trademark. In general, the main objective of any pre-registration or post-registration trademark prosecution is to convince the concerned official (trademark examiner/registrar) for agreeing to and doing the task desired by the applicant/trademark owner. For example, the trademark prosecution for registration aims to persuade the registrar that the proposed trademark/service-mark does possess proper and ready registrability in the jurisdiction concerned. Thus, trademark prosecution necessarily demands up-to-date information, in-depth and strategic knowledge about the task to be done, ingenuity and articulateness, and adequate practical experience and leadership qualities.

Trademark Prosecution in India

Well-learned, mellow, and innovative trademark lawyers of our Delhi-based and internationally renowned IPR law firm of India deliver expert services for trademark prosecution in india and abroad for various objectives. During around a decade, our trademark attorneys of national and international fame have helped numerous entrepreneurs, companies, firms, and organizations which belonged to India and countries across the world. Here, only their prosecution services in India to help Indian and foreign entities, are stipulated in brief.

The prosecution services of our veteran and vibrant trademark lawyers in India are available for the domestic and international trademark prosecutions of Indian people and entities; and also for trademark prosecutions on behalf of global entities in entire India. At domestic level in India, trademark prosecutions for diverse objectives desired by Indian and foreign entities are performed adroitly as per the Trade Marks Act of 1999 (including all amendments made thereto so far) and the new Indian Trade Marks Rules of 2017. On the other hand, the international trademark prosecutions for Indian entities engaged in various economic fields are delivered as per the provisions and rules followed under any or more of the following international trademark treaties or conventions which become relevant to our Indian clients depending upon their business requirements and strategies ---- the TRIPS Agreement of WTO; the Madrid Protocol of WIPO; the Paris or Berne Convention; and the European Union Trade Marks (EUTM).

To harness our expert and efficient services for trademark prosecution in India or abroad, or any other legal services for registration, maintenance, or protection of trademarks and service marks in India or at international levels worldwide, interested people/entities may readily just call over: +91-8800-100-281; or dart their relevant queries or requests at: