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Trademark or Service Mark Registration for Advertising, Business Management, Business Administration, and Office Functions Services

Services related with business administration & management, and advertising are highly significant and vital services in any economy. Therefore, our famous and reputed IPR law firm of Delhi, compulsorily offers the services for trademark or service mark registration for advertising, business management, business administration, and office functions services in entire India, for help to Indian and foreign people and companies.

In India or abroad, the service marks which are used in the services of advertising, business management, business administration, and other services classified under the Class 35 of the Nice classification, are registered exclusively under this class with broad categories of services encompassed by it:

Class 35: Advertising; Business Management; Business Administration; Office Functions

Rather famous and reliable nationwide and internationally for swift and impeccable brand name and logo registration services for all 45 classes of the Nice classification, our highly innovative and prestigious IPR law firm of Delhi is undoubtedly one of the best choices for registering service marks related with this class 35 in India or abroad. Again, it must be noted that we provided the free trademark search service to our Indian or foreign clients who avail our services for registration of trademark or service mark pertaining to any class of the Nice classification in any part of India.

How to Get Service Mark/Trademark (Brand) Name and Logo Registration for Advertising, Business Management, Business Administration, and Office Functions Services

This separate and exclusive section offers concise information regarding how to get service mark/trademark (brand) name and logo registration for advertising, business management, business administration, and office functions services with any regional office of trademark registry in entire India. Here, it may also be noted that, the concerned service mark or trademark registration will be performed strictly as per the rules and provisions given in the Trade Marks Act of 1999 and the Trade Marks Rules of 2002.

Selection of the regional office of trademark registry for the purpose of trademark or service mark application filing, will be made based on the location of the head office/business activities of the applicant. This office will be any of the five zonal offices well-established in locations all across the country. The entire procedure for registration of the proposed service mark (relating to any of the above-mentioned services) covers the following steps or processes:
  • Creating a unique service mark
  • Ensuring indisputable distinctiveness of the service mark through nationwide trademark search
  • Filing the application for registration of the service mark
  • Answering to and cooperating the concerned trademark examiner/registrar for making the service mark readily registrable
  • Dealing successfully with possible trademark oppositions
  • Extending trademark prosecution for perfect and promptest registration
  • And, lastly getting the certificate of service mark registration.

Company Name Registration for Advertising, Business Management, Business Administration, and Office Functions Services

Along with or without availing our expert and efficient service for registration of the newly-created service-mark for providing any class 35 services, people or company may also avail our company registration service for the purpose. This section offers information regarding the company name registration for advertising, business management, business administration, and office functions services anywhere in entire India.

The company incorporation services offered by our renowned law firm of Delhi have also been hugely popular for establishing various types of companies in places all across India by Indian and global people/companies/investors, for doing businesses or providing services in various economic sectors. The types of companies which can briskly be registered with efficient and masterly support of our well-seasoned and adept company lawyers are the following --- one person companies, private limited companies, partnership firms, public limited companies, limited liability partnership (LLP) companies, and entities of foreign companies in India.

Our well-informed and expert company lawyers deliver all requisite services during the whole procedure of company incorporation in India. For this purpose, any of the following laws will be complied with ---- the Companies Act of 2013, or the LLP Act of 2008.

To be benefited lavishly from our service mark registration services or company incorporation services in India in connection with class 35 services, Indian or global people/companies may readily call over: +91-8800-100-281; or may send inquiries or mails to: