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Apparel: Clothing, Footwear and Headgear Products or Goods Trademark Services

The textile and apparel sector of India has been one of the most significant economic sectors, both in respect of revenues and employment. This booming sector has made India, the second most preferred destination in the whole world for textile and garment sourcing, after the global leader China. This section offers very fertile information about the apparel and garment segment of this massive economic sector of India, and our services for the registrations of trademarks pertaining to this segment (i.e. trademark registration for apparel: clothing, footwear and headgear products and goods), along with providing a brief information about the textile and garment industry of India.

Fast thriving textile and garment sector of India is potent enough to support about 14% of the total industrial production every year, to contribute around 5% to the national GDP, and to bring in about 15% country's earnings from exports. This sector is highly expected to reach the level of US$ 223 billion by the year 2021 in worth, from around US$ 108 billion at present. In respect of employment, this broad sector is the second largest employer after the agricultural sector, and employed over 50 million people directly and around 70 million people indirectly in 2015-16. Again, the earnings from exports of these from India are very hopefully expected to reach the level of around US$ 50 billion in 2016-17, and US$ 82 billion by 2021, from US$ 40 billion in the financial year 2015-16. The segment of readymade garments or apparels has been the largest contributor (contributing around 40% every year) to these earnings from exports. In the FY 2015-16, this apparel segment contributed 42% to the total exports of textiles and garments from India.

The garment and apparel industry of India, which is the largest and vital part of the vast textile and apparel sector of the country, is progressing fast with a compound annual growth rate of over 13%, the annual rate of growth in the organized segment being around 30%. The portion of men's garment or clothing accounts for around 45% of the total market of garments and apparels of India, which is growing fastest. At present, India is the second largest manufacturer of garments in the whole world, after the global leader China in garment production. In coming future also, the apparel and garment industry of India is to remain buoyant and growth-oriented boosted by the following factors ---- the ever-rising demand of high-quality branded apparels for men and other people in India and countries worldwide; development of organized retails; rising income levels of Indians; favorable demographics; changing lifestyles and growing preference for high-quality branded products; easy and cheap availability of raw materials and low labor costs; technological advancements; etc.

Trademark Registration for Apparel, Clothing, Footwear and Headgear

This section contains exclusive information regarding the trademark registration for apparel, clothing, footwear and headgear goods and products in entire India, to serve Indian and foreign people and entities interested in doing business in the segment of garment and apparel industry of India. The international registrations of newly created trademarks related with these goods and products can also be escorted adeptly by our mellowed trademark lawyers of international fame. Today, our Delhi-based IPR law firm is one of the most popular and credible IPR law firms of India for offering the full-range of legal and advisory services for all broad categories of intellectual property. As far as the trademarks and service marks are concerned, all 45 classes of the Nice classification are served by our veteran and highly innovative trademark lawyers and litigators. Our brand name and logo registration services are hugely popular amid Indian and foreign people and entities.

In entire India (and also in most of the countries abroad), the trademarks related with the businesses of various apparels, clothing items, and footwear and headgear made of clothes, are registered under the following class of the Nice classification:

Class-25: - "Apparel: - Clothing, Footwear and Headgear"

The registrations of trademarks and service marks in entire India are performed with five zonal offices of trademark registry, as per the provisions and regulations provided in the Trade Marks Act of 1999 and the Trade Marks Rules of 2002, and all amendments made thereto so far. On the other hand, the international registrations of these, are made under one or more of the following international treaties or legislations, depending upon the business strategies ---- TRIPS Agreement, Paris Convention, Madrid Protocol, and the European Union Trade Marks (EUTM).

In connection with the trademark application filing, our punctilious and prestigious IPR law firm of India also offers the free trademark name and logo search for apparel: clothing, footwear and headgear products and goods, to satisfy our Indian and foreign clients better. Again, our other services for trademarks and service marks include trademark prosecutions, trademark watch and monitoring, trademark protection and renewal, trademark oppositions, and trademark infringement litigations.

Interested Indian or foreign people/companies in getting their respective trademarks related with apparels and clothing readily registered in India, may just call over: +91-8800-100-281; or send their queries or problems to: