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Metal Products and Goods - Trademark Services

The metal and metallurgical industry of India is not only the backbone of its manufacturing sector, but also a highly significant industry to the Indian economy. A great many industries and sectors directly depend on this metal & metallurgical industry, such as automobiles and auto components, infrastructure, electrical appliances and products, building and construction, oil and gas, defense, railways, power, agriculture, transportation, telecommunications, aviation, etc. The products and goods covered by this metal and metallurgical industry form a rather wide range, and fall under the broad categories of steels, metals and alloys, and various metal products and goods. Besides the 'metal products and goods - trademark services', this well-drafted web-article offers very informative and useful information about this metal and metallurgical sector of India.

This vital metal and metallurgical industry of India has been progressing constantly and fast to meet domestic requirements of developing economy and bring in foreign currency through exports. Steels are pivotal part of this metal and metallurgical industry. The steel segment of this industry alone accounts for about 2% of the national GDP of India. For domestic consumption itself, the demand of steels (finished steels and crude steels) has been regularly growing with the annual rate of at least 5%. By the year 2017, the domestic demand for steel is expected to reach the level of 113 MT. To cater to the ever-increasing domestic demand, India has been regularly importing steels for past many years, along with enhancing its capacity of steel production gradually. During 2013-2016, the production capacity of steel increased with a CAGR of nearly 9% [raising the magnitude of steel production from about 90 Million Tonnes (MT) to around 125 MT], and thereby, making India the third-largest producer of steels in the whole world after China and Japan. Further, the Government of India has plans to scale up the steel production in the country to 300 MT by the year 2025, from the present level of around 100 MT in 2015-16. Thus, doing business in the metal and metallurgical industry of India is certainly very profitable and secure.

For past many years, ours expert and cheaply-charged trademark application filing services for metals and metal products, and other goods and products, have been very popular in India. Here, it may just be added that the most favorable factors to success and growth in the metal and metallurgical industry of India are the following --- easy and cheap availability of raw materials in India itself; low labor costs; increasing demands of these by many fast growing sectors of economy (such as construction, automotive, infrastructure, etc.); abundance of qualified technocrats and professionals; availability of modern technologies; and ever-growing demands of steels and other metal products in countries worldwide.

Trademark Registration for Metal Products and Goods

Our brisk and masterly services for brand name and logo registrations related with steels, other metals, and various metal products and goods have been rather popular and admired highly by people and companies located all across India, and also by numerous foreign people and companies doing business in India. In India and abroad, the trademark registration for metal products and goods including steels, is made under anyone or more of the following classes of the Nice classification:

Class 2: Metals in Foil and Powder form for use in Painting, Decorating, Printing and Art

Class 6: Common Metals and their Alloys; Metal Building materials; Transportable Buildings of Metal; Materials of metal for Railway Tracks; Non-electric cables and wires of common metal; Ironmongery, Small items of Metal Hardware; Pipes and Tubes of Metal; safes; goods of common metal

Class 14: Precious metals and their Alloys

In connection with the trademark registrations of various metals and metal products and goods, and also for the registrations of all other trademarks and service marks in entire India, our well-seasoned and generous trademark lawyers offer the 'free trademark and logo search' service, to ease their tasks and expedite the registration process. For Indian registrations of the trademarks of these meta products and goods concerned are the five well-established regional offices of trademark registry of the country, and the Indian Trademark Law represented by the Trade Marks Act of 1999 and the Trade Marks Rules of 2002.

Again, to help our foreign clients and also to support business expansions of our Indian clients, efficient and expert services for international registrations of trademarks and service marks are also provided by our well-learned and veteran trademark lawyers, under anyone or more of the following international legislations ---- the TRIPS Agreement, Paris Convention, Madrid Protocol, and the European Union Trade Marks (EUTM). The services for trademark protection and renewal, are also provided punctually by our punctilious trademark lawyers in India and abroad.

To avail our highly praised services, just call over: +91-8800-100-281; or send your inquisitive queries related with trademark registrations of various metal products and goods in India or abroad, to: