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Textiles and Textile Goods and Products Trademark Services

The textiles industry is a major and vital part of the broad sector of the textiles and garments, and has been one of the oldest industries of India. This textiles industry is associated with the production of cotton yarns, and various other fabrics and textiles, which are used in the manufacture of various garments and apparels for all. Today, Indian textiles industry shares over 12% in the global production of cotton yarns and textiles, and is the second largest manufacturer and supplier of these in the whole world. Again, collectively the sector of textiles and garments accounts for around 15% of the national industrial production, contributes about 4% to the national GDP, generates around 15% of India's export earnings, and shares around 5% in the global textiles and garments trade. In respect of employment, the sector of textiles and garments/apparels, is the second largest employer, after the agricultural sector.

Thus, the businesses in the fields of textiles and fabrics in India are always booming with high and ever-growing profitability. This diligently and scrupulously drafted web-article contains very useful information about the registrations of the trademarks related with various textiles and textile products, and also for the registration of the companies interested in doing business in the field of textiles and fabrics anywhere in India. Here, it may be noted that our textiles and textile goods and products trademark services have been hugely popular amid Indian and foreign people, for doing business in India by them.

How to Trademark (Brand) Name and Logo Registration of Textile Goods and Products

Well-established in Delhi, our fast progressing IPR law firm is now quite prominent for brand name and logo registrations in entire India. Again, besides the trademark application filing services, we provide the full-range of services related with trademarks and other objects of intellectual property in India and abroad. Here, being provided is complete information in brief about how to trademark (brand) name and logo registration of textile goods and products in entire India.

The trademarks and logos related with various textiles and textile goods are exclusively registered under the following class of Nice classification in India and abroad:

Class 24: Textiles and substitutes for textiles

The entire procedure for trademark registration for any of the various textiles and textile goods and products, involves the following activities: ----
  • Verifying distinctiveness of the newly created trademark through trademark search in Indian trademark databases
  • Filing the completed application for registration with the relevant zonal office of trademark registry
  • Responding punctually to trademark examiner/registrar and satisfying them about the registrability of the forwarded trademark
  • Tackling the possible cases of trademark opposition
  • Lastly, getting the certificate of trademark registration on behalf of our client.

These all asks are expertly and efficiently performed by our up-to-date and veteran trademark lawyers of international repute. Moreover, our prestigious and generous IPR law firm of India offer the service of the free trademark search to clients who avail its services for trademark registrations in India. For registrations of these trademarks abroad, concerned are the TRIPS Agreement, Madrid Protocol, Paris Convention, and the EUTM.

Company Name Registration for Textile Goods and Products Industry

In addition to registration of the trademarks related with various textiles and fabrics in entire India, our versatile IPR law firm also extends masterly services for setting up companies in India for doing business in these goods and products. This section offers information about company name registration for textile goods and products industry, to help Indian and foreign people and companies.

For doing businesses in India in these textile goods and products, all popular types of companies can readily be registered with expert and expeditious support of our well-seasoned and vibrant company lawyers. These forms of companies cover One Person Companies (OPCs), Partnership Firms, Private Limited Companies, Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) companies, Public Limited Companies, Joint Ventures (JVs), Wholly-owned Subsidiaries of foreign companies, Branch Offices of foreign companies, etc. Based on the desired type of company, relevant will be either the Companies Act of 2013 or the LLP Act of 2008 for incorporation. All necessary legal and advisory services will be extended by our company lawyers during the entire process of company registration in India.

For harnessing our efficient and economical legal services for company registrations as well as trademark registrations in entire India, Indian and foreign people and entities may readily call over: +91-8800-100-281; or send their questions or problems to: